Commands & Permissions
A complete list of all the commands and permissions that can be used in the plugin.
Command | Permission | Description |
/ah | auctionhouse.cmd | Allows the user to open the auction GUI |
/ah sell <basePrice> [bidStart] [bidIncr] [-b, -p, -t, -server] | auctionhouse.cmd.sell | Allows the user to sell an item in the auction house. (-p allows a non bid item with more a qty > 1 to be partially purchased.). Using -server requires (auctionhouse.admin) and doing so creates a listing that is not returned or sold by the lister |
/ah active | | Allows the user to open their active auction GUI through the command. |
/ah expired | auctionhouse.cmd.expired | Allows the user to open their expired auctions GUI through the command. |
/ah confirm | auctionhouse.cmd.confirm | Allows user to confirm certain actions |
/ah transactions | auctionhouse.cmd.transactions | Allows the user to open the transactions menu through the command |
/ah payments | auctionhouse.cmd.payments | Allows the user to open the payment collection menu |
/ah search <keywords> | | Allows the user to search the auction house for an item. |
/ah ban [player] [time] [reason] | auctionhouse.cmd.ban | Allows the user to ban another user from the auction house |
/ah unban <player> | auctionhouse.cmd.unban | Allows the user to unban another user from the auction house |
/ah request <price> | auctionhouse.cmd.request | Allows user to request a specific item on the auction house. |
/ah settings | auctionhouse.cmd.settings | Allows the user to open the in game config editor |
/ah convert | auctionhouse.cmd.convert | Converts from pre 2.0.0 auction house versions to the new 2.0.0 format. |
/ah reload | auctionhouse.cmd.reload | Reloads the configuration files. |
/ah markchest | auctionhouse.cmd.markchest | Allows user to mark/unmark a target chest. |
/ah upload | auctionhouse.cmd.upload | Allows the user to perform the upload command, (uploads flat file data to the database) |
/ah status | auctionhouse.cmd.status | View statistic information about auction house |
/ah filter [additem] [category] | auctionhouse.cmd.filter | Allows the user to add items to category whitelist filters |
/ah admin <relistall | endall | logs | viewexpired | open | clear | clearbids> [secondsForRelist] [playerNameForExpired or open] [true/false] [true/false] | auctionhouse.cmd.admin | Allows the user to run admin commands (relisting all expired items / ending all active auctions) |
auctionhouse.cmd.admin.logs | ||
auctionhouse.cmd.admin.viewexpired | ||
auctionhouse.cmd.admin.endall | ||
auctionhouse.cmd.admin.relistall | ||
auctionhouse.cmd.admin.clearall | ||
auctionhouse.cmd.admin.clearbids | /ah admin clearbids <player> <returnMoney (true/false)> | |
auctionhouse.cmd.admin.opensell | ||
auctionhouse.cmd.admin.clear | /ah admin clear <Player> <returnItems (true/false)> <GiveBiddersMoneyBack (true/false)> | | | ||
auctionhouse.admin.returnitem | ||
auctionhouse.admin.claimitem | ||
auctionhouse.admin.deleteitem | ||
auctionhouse.admin.copyitem | ||
auctionhouse.maxsell.* | Allows the user to sell unlimited items at any given time in the auction house | |
auctionhouse.maxsell.<#> | Replace <#> with a number 1 or higher. Limits the max listings a player can have in the auction house. | |
auctionhouse.admin | Allows the user to have admin permission in the auction house (Press Drop Key (Default is Q) to remove items) | |
auctionhouse.time.<configNodeName> | Depending on the config node and time given, this will be the max auction time a player's listing will stay active. | |
auctionhouse.inspectshulker | Allows the user to shift-right click a shulker box inside the auction menu to view it's contents. | |
auctionhouse.transactions.viewall | Allows the user to view every transaction made on the server | |
auctionhouse.auctionchestbypass | Allows the user to bypass the auction chest mode if enabled. (Allows normal usage while auction chest mode is in use) | |
auctionhouse.cmdflag.stack | Allows user to use -s/-stack when using smart min price mode |
Last updated