Plugin Files

Files that are generated by the plugin.


# Default language file
lang: en_US

auction setting:

  # The default auction time before an item expires (in seconds)
  default auction house: 3600

    # The max price for buy only / buy now items
    max auction price: 1000000000

    # The max price starting a bidding auction
    max auction start price: 1000000000

    # The max amount for incrementing a bid.
    max auction increment price: 1000000000

    # The min price for buy only / buy now items
    min auction price: 1

    # The min price starting a bidding auction
    min auction start price: 1

    # The min amount for incrementing a bid.
    min auction increment price: 1

    # Should the owner of an auction be able to purchase it?
    # This probably should be set to false...
    owner can purchase own item: true

    # Should the owner of an auction be able to bid on it?
    # This probably should be set to false...
    owner can bid on own item: false

  # Should auction pages auto refresh?
  auto refresh auction pages: true

  # Should numbers be shortened into a prefixed form?
  use short numbers: false

  # Should the remaining time be increased when a bid is placed?
  increase time on bid: true

  # How many seconds should be added to the remaining time?
  time to increase by on the bid: 20

  # How many seconds should pass before the plugin updates all the times on items?
  tick auctions every: 1

  # Should the auction gui be re-opened (not redrawn) when a user places a bid, so they get the latest items?
  refresh gui when bid: true

  # Should the gui refresh when the player changes the filter mode?
  refresh gui when filter changed: true

  # Should every transaction be recorded (everything an auction is won or an item is bought)
  record transactions: true

  # Should the entire server be alerted when a player lists an item?
  broadcast auction list: false


  # Should the discord webhook feature be enabled?
  enabled: true

  # Should a message be sent to the discord server when someone lists a new auction item
  alert on auction start: true

  # Should a message when an auction finishes?
  alert on auction finish: true

  # A list of webhook urls (channels) you want a message sent to

    # The name of the user who will send the message
    username: Auction House

    # The avatar image of the discord user
    avatar picture:

    # colour of the message bar
    use random colour: true

    # The color of the embed, it needs to be in hsb format.
    # Separate the numbers with a -
    default colour: 137-100-100

    # The title of the message when a new auction is made
    auction start title: New Auction Available

    # The title of th message when an auction finishes
    auction finish title: Auction Finished

      name: Seller

      value: '%seller%'

      inline: true

      name: Buyer

      value: '%buyer%'

      inline: true
    buy now price:

      name: Buy Now Price

      value: $%buy_now_price%

      inline: true
    final price:

      name: Final Price

      value: $%final_price%

      inline: true
    is bid:

      name: Was Bid

      value: '%is_bid%'

      inline: true
    purchase type:

      name: Purchase Type

      value: '%purchase_type%'

      inline: true

      name: Item Name

      value: '%item_name%'

      inline: true
    item amount:

      name: Item Amount

      value: '%item_amount%'

      inline: true

# Materials that should be blocked (not allowed to sell)
blocked items:

# Special time permissions for users.
# If they have the following permission in this format:
# auctionhouse.time.rankone
# rankone refers to the list item under auction time, they will get the time specified (in seconds)
auction time:
- rankone:30

  global items:
    back button:

      # Settings for the back button
      item: ARROW

      name: '&e<< Back'

      - '&7Click the button to go'
      - '&7back to the previous page.'
    close button:

      # Settings for the close button
      item: BARRIER

      name: '&cClose'

      - '&7Click to close this menu.'
    next button:

      # Settings for the next button
      item: ARROW

      name: '&eNext >>'

      - '&7Click the button to go'
      - '&7to the next page.'
    refresh button:

      # Settings for the refresh page
      item: CHEST

      name: '&6&LRefresh Page'

      - '&7Click to refresh the currently'
      - '&7available auction listings.'
  auction house:

    title: '&7Auction House'

        item: BOOK

        name: '&e&lGuide'

        - '&7This is the auction house, here you can'
        - '&7list items for sale and purchase items'
        - '&7that others have listed for sale.'
        - ''
        - '&7The auction is also a great way to make'
        - '&7money by selling farmable items other'
        - '&7players may be interested in buying.'
        - ''
        - '&7Any unsold items are sent to your collection bin.'
        - ''
        - '&7Each item is listed as a auction, so'
        - '&7players can out bid each other, or simply'
        - '&7purchase it right away with a set price.'

        item: PAPER

        name: '&e&lTransactions'

        - '&7Click to view transaction history'
      how to sell:

        item: GOLD_INGOT

        name: '&e&lHow to Sell'

        - '&7To list an item on the auction house, just hold'
        - '&7the item in your hand and type the following command.'
        - '&e/ah sell <buyNowPrice> [startPrice] [bidIncrement]'
      your auctions:

        item: DIAMOND

        name: '&e&lYour Auctions'

        - '&7Click here to view all of the items you'
        - '&7are currently selling on the auction.'
        - ''
        - '&e&l%active_player_auctions% Item(s)'
      collection bin:

        item: ENDER_CHEST

        name: '&e&lCollection Bin'

        - '&7Click here to view and collect all of the'
        - '&7items you have cancelled or have expired.'
        - ''
        - '&e&l%expired_player_auctions% Item(s)'

        item: NETHER_STAR

        name: '&e&lFilter Options'

        - '&eItem Category&f: &7%filter_category%'
        - '&eAuction Type&f: &7%filter_auction_type%'
        - ''
        - '&7Left-Click to change item category'
        - '&7Right-Click to change change auction type'
  confirm buy:

    title: '&7Are you sure?'
      name: '&c&LCancel'
      - '&7Click to cancel your purchase'
      name: '&a&lConfirm'
      - '&7Click to confirm your purchase'
  active auctions:

    title: '&7Active Listings'
    cancel all:

      item: ENDER_CHEST

      name: '&e&lEnd All'

      - '&7Click here to end all of the active listings'
      - '&7that you have posted.'
  expired auctions:

    title: '&7Expired Listings'
    cancel all:

      item: ENDER_CHEST

      name: '&e&lClaim All'

      - '&7Click here to claim all of your expired auctions'

    title: '&7&LTransaction History'
      toggle own:

        item: NETHER_STAR

        name: '&e&LToggle Your Transactions'

        - '&7Click to toggle whether you see'
        - '&7only your transactions or all'
        - '&7the transactions ever made.'

        item: PAPER

        name: '&e%transaction_id%'

        - '&7Seller&F: &e%seller%'
        - '&7Buyer&F: &e%buyer%'
        - '&7Date&F: &e%date%'
        - ''
        - '&7Click to view more details'
  transaction view:

    title: '&7&LViewing Transaction'

      fill: true


        name: '&e%seller_name%'

        - '&7This is the player who sold the item.'
        - '&7ID&F: &e%seller_id%'

        name: '&e%buyer_name%'

        - '&7This is the player who bought the item.'
        - '&7ID&F: &e%buyer_id%'

        item: PAPER

        name: '&e%transaction_id%'

        - '&7ID&f: &e%transaction_id%'
        - '&7Sale Type&f: &e%sale_type%'
        - '&7Date&f: &e%transaction_date%'
        - '&7Final Price&f: &e%final_price%'

auction items:

  # This the item stack lore that will be appended to
  # auction items in /ah (lore will be applied first, then these)
  auction stack:
  - '&7-------------------------'
  - '&eSeller&f: &b%seller%'
  - ''
  - '&eBuy Now: &a$%buynowprice%'
  - ''
  - '&eTime Left: &b%remaining_days%&fd &b%remaining_hours%&fh &b%remaining_minutes%&fm &b%remaining_seconds%s'

  # This the item stack lore that will be appended to
  # auction items in /ah listings (lore will be applied first, then these)
  listing stack:
  - '&7-------------------------'
  - '&eBuy Now: &a$%buynowprice%'
  - '&eTime Left: &b%remaining_days%&fd &b%remaining_hours%&fh &b%remaining_minutes%&fm &b%remaining_seconds%s'

  # This the item stack lore that will be appended to
  # auction items in /ah (lore will be applied first, then these)
  auction stack with bid:
  - '&7-------------------------'
  - '&eSeller&f: &b%seller%'
  - ''
  - '&eBuy Now: &a$%buynowprice%'
  - '&eCurrent Price: &a$%currentprice%'
  - '&eBid Increment: &a$%bidincrement%'
  - '&eHighest Bidder: &a%highestbidder%'
  - ''
  - '&eTime Left: &b%remaining_days%&fd &b%remaining_hours%&fh &b%remaining_minutes%&fm &b%remaining_seconds%s'

  # This the item stack lore that will be appended to
  # auction items in /ah listings (lore will be applied first, then these)
  listing stack with bid:
  - '&7-------------------------'
  - '&eBuy Now: &a$%buynowprice%'
  - '&eCurrent Price: &a$%currentprice%'
  - '&eBid Increment: &a$%bidincrement%'
  - '&eHighest Bidder: &a%highestbidder%'
  - '&eTime Left: &b%remaining_days%&fd &b%remaining_hours%&fh &b%remaining_minutes%&fm &b%remaining_seconds%s'

    # This will be appended at the end of the lore
    # If the auction item is using a bid, this will show
    using bid:
    - '&7-------------------------'
    - '&eLeft-Click&f: &bBid'
    - '&eRight-Click&f: &bBuy Now'
    - '&7-------------------------'

    # This will be appended at the end of the lore
    # If the auction item is not using a bid, this will show
    not using bid:
    - '&7-------------------------'
    - '&eLeft-Click&f: &bBuy Now'
    - '&7-------------------------'


  listed item on the auction house: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP

  navigated between gui pages: ENTITY_BAT_TAKEOFF

  not enough money: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK

Last updated

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