List of available translations that can be used with the plugin.
To use a specific language translation you will need to change the default language code within your config.yml. If the translation is available, the plugin will attempt to download it, otherwise if a translation file matching the Language code format is found it will read that instead!
Language | Language Code |
English | en_US |
Brazilian Portuguese | pt_BR |
We accept user translated files, if you would like to contribute, please contact us on Discord.
Default Language File (en_US.lang)
prefix: "&8[&eAuctionHouse&8]"
notanumber: "&cThe entry &4%value% &cis not a valid number!"
locked: "&cThe Auction House is currently locked!"
notenoughmoney: "&cYou do not have enough money!"
cantbidonown: "&cYou cannot bid on your own item!"
cantbuyown: "&cYou cannot buy your own item!"
blockeditem: "&cYou are not allowed to auction that item. (%item%)"
air: "&cSorry, but you cannot sell air o.O"
blocked: "&cSorry, you are not allowed to sell &e%item%"
sellinglimit: "You cannot sell more items, please remove/sell current active items"
minbaseprice: "&cThe minimum base price must be &a$%price%"
minstartingprice: "&cThe minimum starting bid price must be &a$%price%"
minbidincrementprice: "&cThe minimum bid increment must be &a$%price%"
maxbaseprice: "&cThe maximum base price is &a$%price%"
maxstartingprice: "&cThe maximum starting bid price is &a$%price%"
maxbidincrementprice: "&cThe maximum bid increment is &a$%price%"
moneyremove: "&c&l- $%price%"
moneyadd: "&a&l+ $%price%"
player_lost: "Player Lost o.O"
no_buyer: "No Buyer"
not_sold: "Not Sold"
not_bought: "Was not bought"
sale_bid_win: "Won Bid"
sale_immediate_buy: "Bought Immediately"
is_bid_true: "true"
is_bid_false: "false"
biddable: "Biddable"
non_biddable: "Not Biddable"
both: "All"
all: "All"
food: "Food"
armor: "Armor"
blocks: "Blocks"
tools: "Tools"
misc: "Misc"
withbid: "&eListed &fx%amount% &6%item% &e&lBuy Now&f: &a%base_price% &e&lStarting&f: &a%start_price% &e&lIncrement&f: &a%increment_price%"
nobid: "&eListed &fx%amount% &6%item% &efor &a%base_price%"
withbid: "&e%player% listed &fx%amount% &6%item% &e&lBuy Now&f: &a%base_price% &e&lStarting&f: &a%start_price% &e&lIncrement&f: &a%increment_price%"
nobid: "&e%player% listed &fx%amount% &6%item% &efor &a%base_price%"
bidwon: "&eYou won the bid for&fx%amount% &6%item% &efor &a%price%"
itemsold: "&eYou sold &6%item% &efor &a%price%"
itemnotavailable: "&cThat item is no longer available :("
Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR)
prefix: '&8[&eAuctionHouse&8]'
notanumber: '&cOpa.. &4%value% &cnao é um numero valido!'
locked: '&cA Casa de Leilões está atualmente bloqueada!'
notenoughmoney: '&cVocê não tem dinheiro suficiente!'
cantbidonown: '&cVocê não pode licitar em seu próprio item!'
cantbuyown: '&cVocê não pode comprar seu próprio item!'
blockeditem: '&cVocê não tem permissão para leiloar esse item. (%item%)'
air: '&cDesculpe, mas você não pode vender ar o.O'
blocked: '&cDesculpe, você não tem permissão para vender &e%item%'
sellinglimit: Você não pode vender mais itens, remova/venda os itens ativos atuais
minbaseprice: '&cO preço base mínimo deve ser &a$%price%'
minstartingprice: '&cO preço mínimo do lance inicial deve ser &a$%price%'
minbidincrementprice: '&cO lance mínimo do lance deve ser&a$%price%'
maxbaseprice: '&cO preço base máximo é &a$%price%'
maxstartingprice: '&cO preço máximo do lance inicial é &a$%price%'
maxbidincrementprice: '&cO aumento máximo do lance é &a$%price%'
moneyremove: '&c&l- $%price%'
moneyadd: '&a&l+ $%price%'
withbid: '&eListed &fx%amount% &6%item% &e&lCompra Agora&f: &a%base_price% &e&lStarting&f: &a%start_price% &e&lIncrement&f: &a%increment_price%'
nobid: '&eListed &fx%amount% &6%item% &epor &a%base_price%'
bidwon: '&eVocê venceu a licitação por &fx%amount% &6%item% &epor &a%price%'
itemsold: '&eVocê vendeu &6%item% &epor &a%price%'
itemnotavailable: '&cEsse item não está mais disponível :('
withbid: '&e%player% listed &fx%amount% &6%item% &e&lBuy Now&f: &a%base_price% &e&lStarting&f: &a%start_price% &e&lIncrement&f: &a%increment_price%'
nobid: '&e%player% listed &fx%amount% &6%item% &efor &a%base_price%'
player_lost: Player Lost o.O
no_buyer: Sem Comprador
not_sold: Não vendido
not_bought: Não foi comprado
sale_bid_win: Lance vencido
sale_immediate_buy: Comprado imediatamente
is_bid_true: 'Verdadeiro'
is_bid_false: 'Falso'
biddable: Biddable
non_biddable: Not Biddable
both: All
all: All
food: Food
armor: Armor
blocks: Blocks
tools: Tools
misc: Misc
Last updated