
A list of all available placeholders for Auction House

Valid Time Frames

These are used to lookup statistics between the current date and x amount of time prior.

  • s (seconds)

  • m (minutes)

  • h (hours)

  • d (days)

  • w (weeks)

Valid Statistic Options

  • createdauctions

  • createdbin

  • soldauctions

  • soldbin

  • moneyspent

  • moneyearned

Placeholder List

All placeholders are prefixed with auctionhouse and start and end with %. Example: %auctionhouse_test%

  • active_auctions (Gets the total listings a player currently has active)

  • expired_auctions (Gets total expired listings a player has)

  • server_active_auctions (Gets the total listing count for the entire server)

For the following placeholders gstat refers to global statistics, while pstat refers to player statistics.

  • gstat_<valid statistic option> (to get the lifetime total)

  • gstat_<valid statistic option>_<duration><valid time frame/unit> (to get the statistic for x duration in the past until the current date).

  • pstat_<valid statistic option>_<player name> (to get the lifetime total)

  • pstat_<valid statistic option>_<player name>_<duration><valid time frame/unit> (to get the statistic for x duration in the past until the current date).


  • %auctionhouse_gstat_createdauctions%

  • %auctionhouse_gstat_createdauctions_3d%

  • %auctionhouse_pstat_moneyearned_itsmekiran%

  • %auctionhouse_pstat_moneyearned_itsmekiran_1w%

Last updated