Plugin Files

Files that are generated by the plugin.


# The global prefix for the plugin
prefix: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&LSpawners</GRADIENT:f4c4f3> &8»
# The default language for the plugin
language: english
# This should probably be a block if you decide to change it..
spawner item: SPAWNER
# If true, player's who don't own the spawner item/block can still place it
allow non owner place: false
# If true, player's who don't own the spawner item/block can still break it
allow non owner break: false
# If true, the shop icon will appear in /spawners for users to buy spawners (items need to be added first)
enable shop: true
max spawners per chunk:
  # If true, spawners will limit the amount of spawners within a chunk
  enabled: true
  # If max spawners per chunk.enabled is enabled, it will use this limit
  max: 16
# Can be overridden using the perm: spawners.maxplace.#, # being the new total
max spawners per player: 16
spawner defaults:
  # For non Spawners spawners, what should the default mob be when placed
  entity: PIG
  delay: 240
  spawn count: 4
  activation range: 16
  max nearby entities: 12
  default level cost: 1000.0
  # If a player right clicks a spawner with a spawn egg, should it update the entity?
  # Normal ownership rules will apply
  allow spawner change: true
  # Should the egg be used when they apply it to the spawner?
  remove egg on spawner change: true
  # Should players be able to throw spawn eggs?
  allow spawn egg throw: true
# When a natural spawner is broken, should the miner become the owner?
assign owner to natural: true
  # Chance for the spawner to drop when mined
  drop chance: 50.0
  # Should silk touch be required to mine spawners?
  requires silk touch: true
  # Should spawners break during an explosion
  drop enabled: true
  # The chance for the spawner to drop if exploded by tnt
  drop chance: 25.0
  # If the spawner is dropped by explosion, should the owner be reset?
  reset owner: true
  # If the spawner is broken due to an unknown explosion source, should it cancel?
  prevent unknown source: true
  entity change:
    # The size (rows, min = 2, max = 6) of the spawner mob change gui
    rows: 6
    # The default background material
    # The slots in which mob heads will be placed into
    fill slots:
      - 10
      - 11
      - 12
      - 13
      - 14
      - 15
      - 16
      - 19
      - 20
      - 21
      - 22
      - 23
      - 24
      - 25
      - 28
      - 29
      - 30
      - 31
      - 32
      - 33
      - 34
    # Option Decoration items (slot:material_name)
  player select:
    # The size (rows, min = 2, max = 6) of the player select change gui
    rows: 6
    # The default background material
    # The slots in which player heads will be placed into
    fill slots:
      - 10
      - 11
      - 12
      - 13
      - 14
      - 15
      - 16
      - 19
      - 20
      - 21
      - 22
      - 23
      - 24
      - 25
      - 28
      - 29
      - 30
      - 31
      - 32
      - 33
      - 34
    # Option Decoration items (slot:material_name)
    # The size (rows, min = 2, max = 6) of the main player gui
    rows: 6
    # The default background material
    # Option Decoration items (slot:material_name)
  your spawners:
    # The size (rows, min = 2, max = 6)
    rows: 6
    # The default background material
    # The slots in which items will be placed into
    fill slots:
      - 10
      - 11
      - 12
      - 13
      - 14
      - 15
      - 16
      - 19
      - 20
      - 21
      - 22
      - 23
      - 24
      - 25
      - 28
      - 29
      - 30
      - 31
      - 32
      - 33
      - 34
    # Option Decoration items (slot:material_name)
  spawner shop:
    # The size (rows, min = 2, max = 6)
    rows: 6
    # The default background material
    # The slots in which items will be placed into
    fill slots:
      - 10
      - 11
      - 12
      - 13
      - 14
      - 15
      - 16
      - 19
      - 20
      - 21
      - 22
      - 23
      - 24
      - 25
      - 28
      - 29
      - 30
      - 31
      - 32
      - 33
      - 34
    # Option Decoration items (slot:material_name)
mob change:
  elder guardian:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Elder Guardian
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Elder Guardian
    cost: 5000.0
  wither skeleton:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Wither Skeleton
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Wither Skeleton
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Stray
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Stray
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Husk
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Husk
    cost: 5000.0
  zombie villager:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Zombie Villager
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Zombie Villager
    cost: 5000.0
  skeleton horse:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Skeleton Horse
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Skeleton Horse
    cost: 5000.0
  zombie horse:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Zombie Horse
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Zombie Horse
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Donkey
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Donkey
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Mule
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Mule
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Evoker
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Evoker
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Vex
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Vex
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Vindicator
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Vindicator
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Illusioner
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Illusioner
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Creeper
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Creeper
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Skeleton
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Skeleton
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Spider
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Spider
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Giant
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Giant
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Zombie
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Zombie
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Slime
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Slime
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Ghast
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Ghast
    cost: 5000.0
  zombified piglin:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Zombified Piglin
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Zombified Piglin
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Enderman
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Enderman
    cost: 5000.0
  cave spider:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Cave Spider
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Cave Spider
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Silverfish
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Silverfish
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Blaze
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Blaze
    cost: 5000.0
  magma cube:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Magma Cube
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Magma Cube
    cost: 5000.0
  ender dragon:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Ender Dragon
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Ender Dragon
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Wither
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Wither
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Bat
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Bat
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Witch
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Witch
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Endermite
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Endermite
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Guardian
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Guardian
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Shulker
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Shulker
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Pig
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Pig
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Sheep
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Sheep
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Cow
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Cow
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Chicken
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Chicken
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Squid
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Squid
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Wolf
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Wolf
    cost: 5000.0
  mushroom cow:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Mushroom Cow
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Mushroom Cow
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Snowman
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Snowman
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Ocelot
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Ocelot
    cost: 5000.0
  iron golem:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Iron Golem
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Iron Golem
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Horse
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Horse
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Rabbit
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Rabbit
    cost: 5000.0
  polar bear:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Polar Bear
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Polar Bear
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Llama
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Llama
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Parrot
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Parrot
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Villager
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Villager
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Turtle
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Turtle
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Phantom
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Phantom
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Cod
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Cod
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Salmon
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Salmon
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Pufferfish
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Pufferfish
    cost: 5000.0
  tropical fish:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Tropical Fish
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Tropical Fish
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Drowned
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Drowned
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Dolphin
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Dolphin
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Cat
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Cat
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Panda
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Panda
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Pillager
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Pillager
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Ravager
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Ravager
    cost: 5000.0
  trader llama:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Trader Llama
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Trader Llama
    cost: 5000.0
  wandering trader:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Wandering Trader
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Wandering Trader
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Fox
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Fox
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Bee
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Bee
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Hoglin
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Hoglin
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Piglin
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Piglin
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Strider
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Strider
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Zoglin
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Zoglin
    cost: 5000.0
  piglin brute:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Piglin Brute
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Piglin Brute
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Axolotl
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Axolotl
    cost: 5000.0
  glow squid:
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Glow Squid
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Glow Squid
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Goat
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Goat
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Allay
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Allay
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Frog
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Frog
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Tadpole
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Tadpole
    cost: 5000.0
    # Should players be able to set their spawner to a Warden
    enabled: true
    # The cost to switch the spawner to a Warden
    cost: 5000.0


mob names:
  cat: Cat
  chicken: Chicken
  zombie horse: Zombie horse
  zombified piglin: Zombified piglin
  tadpole: Tadpole
  iron golem: Iron golem
  ravager: Ravager
  fox: Fox
  evoker: Evoker
  zombie villager: Zombie villager
  turtle: Turtle
  wither: Wither
  mule: Mule
  allay: Allay
  witch: Witch
  mushroom cow: Mushroom cow
  endermite: Endermite
  warden: Warden
  trader llama: Trader llama
  horse: Horse
  axolotl: Axolotl
  elder guardian: Elder guardian
  drowned: Drowned
  frog: Frog
  wolf: Wolf
  bat: Bat
  zombie: Zombie
  wither skeleton: Wither skeleton
  sheep: Sheep
  skeleton horse: Skeleton horse
  guardian: Guardian
  creeper: Creeper
  pillager: Pillager
  ghast: Ghast
  phantom: Phantom
  wandering trader: Wandering trader
  ocelot: Ocelot
  donkey: Donkey
  villager: Villager
  spider: Spider
  pufferfish: Pufferfish
  glow squid: Glow squid
  squid: Squid
  shulker: Shulker
  stray: Stray
  tropical fish: Tropical fish
  cod: Cod
  skeleton: Skeleton
  bee: Bee
  piglin: Piglin
  giant: Giant
  illusioner: Illusioner
  strider: Strider
  vindicator: Vindicator
  hoglin: Hoglin
  enderman: Enderman
  zoglin: Zoglin
  cave spider: Cave spider
  husk: Husk
  cow: Cow
  pig: Pig
  silverfish: Silverfish
  snowman: Snowman
  panda: Panda
  goat: Goat
  salmon: Salmon
  parrot: Parrot
  piglin brute: Piglin brute
  ender dragon: Ender dragon
  polar bear: Polar bear
  magma cube: Magma cube
  dolphin: Dolphin
  vex: Vex
  blaze: Blaze
  llama: Llama
  slime: Slime
  rabbit: Rabbit
  player select:
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&l%player_name%</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To select player'
    title: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawners</GRADIENT:f4c4f3> &8> &7Select Player
  admin main:
      spawner presets:
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&LSpawner Presets</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - '&7View all created spawner presets'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To view presets'
          - '&7View all the known levels'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To view levels'
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lLevels</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - '&7View all the known spawners'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To view player spawners'
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawners</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
      spawner shop:
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&LSpawner Shop</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - '&7View all spawner shop items'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To edit shop'
    title: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&LSpawners</GRADIENT:f4c4f3> &7v%plugin_version%
  spawner overview:
      spawn count:
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawn Count</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
        lore max:
          - ''
          - '&aSpawn count is at max level!'
          - ''
          - ''
          - '&7Current&f: &a%level_number% &f(&e%level_value%&f)'
          - ''
          - '&e&lNext Level'
          - '    &7Level&f: &a%next_level_number% &f(&e%next_level_value%&f)'
          - '    &7Cost&f: &a$%level_upgrade_cost%'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To upgrade'
      max nearby mobs:
        lore max:
          - ''
          - '&aMax nearby mobs is at max level!'
          - ''
          - ''
          - '&7Current&f: &a%level_number% &f(&e%level_value%&f)'
          - ''
          - '&e&lNext Level'
          - '    &7Level&f: &a%next_level_number% &f(&e%next_level_value%&f)'
          - '    &7Cost&f: &a$%level_upgrade_cost%'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To upgrade'
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lMax Nearby Mobs</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
        lore max:
          - ''
          - '&aSpawner delay is at max level!'
          - ''
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawn Delay</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - ''
          - '&7Current&f: &a%level_number% &f(&e%level_value%&as&f)'
          - ''
          - '&e&lNext Level'
          - '    &7Level&f: &a%next_level_number% &f(&e%next_level_value%&as&f)'
          - '    &7Cost&f: &a$%level_upgrade_cost%'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To upgrade'
      activation range:
        lore max:
          - ''
          - '&aActivation range is at max level!'
          - ''
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lActivation Range</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - ''
          - '&7Current&f: &a%level_number% &f(&e%level_value%&f)'
          - ''
          - '&e&lNext Level'
          - '    &7Level&f: &a%next_level_number% &f(&e%next_level_value%&f)'
          - '    &7Cost&f: &a$%level_upgrade_cost%'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To upgrade'
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lOwner</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - ''
          - '&7Current&f: &e%owner_name%'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To transfer ownership'
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lEntity Type</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - ''
          - '&7Current&f: &e%entity_type%'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To change entity'
      upgrade disabled:
        name: '&C&LUpgrade Disabled'
          - '&cYou are not allowed to upgrade'
          - '&cthis particular spawner!'
    title: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawner</GRADIENT:f4c4f3> &8> &7Overview
  spawner shop:
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&l%entity_type% Spawner</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - ''
          - '&7Price&f: &a%shop_item_price%'
          - '&7Quantity&f: &a%shop_item_qty%'
          - ''
          - '&e&lLevels'
          - '    &7Spawn Delay&f: &a%spawn_delay_level% &f(&e%spawn_delay%&as&f)'
          - '    &7Spawn Count&f: &a%spawn_count_level% &f(&e%spawn_count%&f)'
          - '    &7Max Nearby Mobs&f: &a%max_nearby_entities_level% &f(&e%max_nearby_entities%&f)'
          - '    &7Activation Range&f: &a%activation_range_level% &f(&e%activation_range%&f)'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To purchase item'
    title: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawner Shop</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To view shop'
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawner Shop</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
      your spawners:
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lYour Spawners</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - ''
          - '&7Total&f: &e%total_placed_spawners%'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To view placed spawners'
    title: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawners</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
  entity change:
    title: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawners</GRADIENT:f4c4f3> &8> &7Change Mob
          - ''
          - '&7Cost&f: &a$%entity_cost%'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To select entity'
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&l%entity_name%</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
        name: '&c&lCancel'
          - ''
          - '&c&lClick &8» &7To cancel action'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To confirm action'
          - '&c(This cannot be undone)'
        name: '&A&LConfirm'
    title: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawners</GRADIENT:f4c4f3> &8> &7Confirm
  entity selector:
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&l%entity_name%</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To select entity'
          - '&8Entity Behaviour'
          - ''
          - '&7Current&f: &e%entity_behaviour%'
          - ''
          - '&e&lClick &8» &7To switch mode'
        name: '&a&lSwitch Mode'
    title: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawners</GRADIENT:f4c4f3> &8> &7Select Entity
  your spawners:
          - ''
          - '&e&lLocation'
          - '    &7%world_name% &F/ &7%world_x% &f/ &7%world_y% &f/ &7%world_z%'
          - ''
          - '&e&lLevels'
          - '    &7Spawn Delay&f: &a%spawn_delay_level% &f(&e%spawn_delay%&as&f)'
          - '    &7Spawn Count&f: &a%spawn_count_level% &f(&e%spawn_count%&f)'
          - '    &7Max Nearby Mobs&f: &a%max_nearby_entities_level% &f(&e%max_nearby_entities%&f)'
          - '    &7Activation Range&f: &a%activation_range_level% &f(&e%activation_range%&f)'
          - ''
        name: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawner</GRADIENT:f4c4f3>
    title: <GRADIENT:fc67fa>&lSpawners</GRADIENT:f4c4f3> &8> &7Your Spawners
  player not found: '&cThe player &4%player% &cis not online!'
  prev page: '&ePrevious Page'
  is false: '&cFalse'
  is disallowed: '&cDisallowed'
  need to create levels: '&cYou need to create 1 level for each upgrade first.'
  money remove: '&c&l- $%amount%'
  not a spawner: '&cThat block is not a spawner!'
  is allowed: '&aAllowed'
  no inventory space: '&cYou do not have enough inventory space.'
  spawner place limit reached: '&cYou cannot place anymore spawners!'
  no presets made: '&cThere are no presets currently made.'
  not a number: '&cThat is not a valid number'
  updated spawn type: '&aSuccessfully set spawner''s entity type to&f: &e%entity_type%'
  preset id taken: '&cThe preset id&f: &4%preset_id% &cis already in use.'
  next page: '&eNext Page'
  entity remove:
    entity: '&cRemoved a total of &4%total% %entity_type% &cspawner mobs.'
    all: '&cRemoved a total of &4%total% &cspawner mobs.'
  is true: '&ATrue'
  spawner per chunk limit reached: '&cYou cannot place anymore spawners within this
  not enough money: '&cYou do not have enough money!'
  name: '&e%entity_type% Spawner'
  not owner:
    place: '&cYou are not allowed to place &4%owner_name%&c''s spawner!'
    break: '&cYou are not allowed to break &4%owner_name%&c''s spawner!'
    overview: '&cYou are not the owner of this spawner!'
    egg change: '&cYou cannot use eggs &4%owner_name%&c''s spawner!'
  entity permission:
    place: '&cYou are not allowed to place &4%entity_type%&c spawners!'
    break: '&cYou are not allowed to break &4%entity_type%&c spawners!'
    egg change: '&cYou cannot change spawners with &4%entity_type%&c eggs!'
      nearby mobs: '&aUpgraded max nearby mobs from level &F%previous_level% &ato
      entity type: '&aSuccessfully converted spawner mob to&f: &f%entity_type%'
      activation range: '&aUpgraded activation range from level &F%previous_level%
        &ato &f%current_level%'
      delay: '&aUpgraded delay from level &F%previous_level% &ato &f%current_level%'
      spawn count: '&aUpgraded spawn count from level &F%previous_level% &ato &f%current_level%'
      activation range: '&cThe spawner is already at the max activation range'
      delay: '&cThe spawner is already at the max spawn delay'
      spawn count: '&cThe spawner is already at the max spawn count'
      nearby mobs: '&cThe spawner is already at the max nearby mobs'
  requires pickaxe: '&cYou need a pickaxe to mine spawners!'
  gave ownership: '&aYou transferred ownership to &2%player_name%'
  requires silk touch: '&cYou need silk touch to mine spawners!'
  no owner: No Owner
  received ownership: '&2%player_name% &Agave you ownership of their spawner'
    - '&8Owner'
    - '&e%spawner_owner_name%'
    - ''
    - '&7Spawn Delay &8» &e%spawner_spawn_delay_level%'
    - '&7Spawn Count &8» &e%spawner_spawn_count_level%'
    - '&7Max Nearby Entities &8» &e%spawner_max_nearby_entities_level%'
    - '&7Activation Range &8» &e%spawner_player_activation_range_level%'
    - ''
    - '&e&lPlace &8» &7To activate spawner'
no egg throw permission: '&cYou are not allowed to throw &4%entity_type%&c eggs!'

# This is the default language for Funds to use another language
# change the default language in the config.yml
# if the file does not exists, it will generate using the default english
# translations, you can then make edits from there.
file language: english

Last updated

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